Wednesday, May 11


Urgh, please just shut up.

Yeah you know who you are -.-

Tuesday, April 12

-.- I am going to hit you hard, SERIOUSLY.

Ok, so it has been a superbly long holiday for my blog and I have got to admit: I AM LAZY. (and someone said that blogs were so last time) Hahahaha, kidding. Ok, er I realise that I have to let my feelings and thoughts out. I have emotional problems. And it is serious. One time I had this bad headache, went to the doctor and I cried my eyeballs out. <--- My contact lens dropped off. HAHA, kidding. So yeah, I have a huge serious problem. Like I have to let out my feelings especially stress and anger. If not my tears would start pouring. Literally pouring. And when I start crying, everyone in the house would just ignore me. Like how they usually do. When I cry, My sister- Puts a tissue box beside me. My brother- Ignores me and continues doing crap. AND NOT TO MENTION: He is sitting for his PSLE this year. My mother- "SHUT UP REENA~" Yup, she tells me to shut up. But, in a nicer way. I hate it when she does that. Its like: "WTH. What do you think I can do stop these tears from soaking my shirt, HUH?" But, its fine. I forgive her all the time. She is after all: MY MUM. And I love her <3 So, that was just the introduction. ARGH, I have got a bad headache. Ok, so today went to school as usual. Sat for the Physics test which was manageable. Sat for the Chem quiz which I will fail, for sure. And came back home dizzy. Idk why. But, my head was light-headed. And light-headed as in really light. (In a painful way.) I am going to take Panadol later. Then.. Smsed that dude and he is like so chillaxed when he just totally embarrased me in front of somebody. >:] He is the meanest nicest guy I have ever met. Oh, my neighbour is skipping <--- Random. But I can hear from my room :) Thenthen, Uzair told me to just go for it. Wth, its not easy. And it has been at least half a year now. So maybe, na-ah. Not going to happen. NOT. Andand, I HATE MY BROTHER and I mean it. I reach home at four today. Swept the living room, did the laundry and went to pick up Reesha at five. Reach home, Han is not back -.- Panaskan makanan, bathed Reesha and Han arrived. FINALLY. At what time? 5:45 pm. GOOD, so I have to do all the chores? Fine. I am off to finish my homeworks and do some (fun) chores. xoxo